Wir sind eine offizielle und preisgekrönte Präparatorenfirma

Award-winning taxidermy

Award-winning taxidermy

Award-winning taxidermy

We are very honoured and grateful to announce the prices of our taxidermists in the Dutch Taxidermy Championships 2019:

Our taxidermist Sophie Kiela:
- First price (Red-fan parrot) (Dutch Champion)
Best of Show (Red-fan parrot)
- Second price in allround taxidermy
- Honorable Mentions (Spangled cotinga, Fox, Peregrine falcon)

Our taxidermist Rick Way:
- Second price (Fork-tailed woodnyphm)
- Honorable mentions (Pine Grosbeak, Striped sparrow)

Our skeleton taxidermist Lucas de Boer:
- First price in all Skeleton categories (penguins, aracaris) (Dutch Champion)
blog id: 114