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Dead rabbit writes letter to the Museumshop

Dead rabbit writes letter to the Museumshop

"Do you want to make sure my hair is good?" That is the last wish of a dead rabbit. The Nijmeegse Museumwinkel set up the rabbit, just as he wanted it.

It does not happen every day that the museum store gets a letter from a dead animal. Full of love writes Rabbit (that's his name) about his wonderful life with his bosses Mees and Jurgen. "At first they did not prepare the house as well and there were some nice extension cables. Delightfully knocked. Then the living room suddenly became hufterproof, as she called it. "

The cute animal further says that he has been bought at the Intratuin and has become 8 years old. By his letter he made some pictures. "I would like to look like this when I get prepared. I'm so parmanted and have those nice bollards. If I have a lot of ears, I'm doing something. "

Rabbit: 'I did not like hugging'

The letter shows that the animal has at least the necessary self-knowledge. "I was not the easiest but the nicest. I did not like to be cuddled. It will be time for you to start with me. I wish you a lot of fun and luck with preparing me and please make sure my hair is well. "

Rabbit is prepared with love

In the meantime, the preparers of the Museum Shop Rabbit have been set up with love and entirely according to their wishes. Or prepared as it's actually hot. That's why Mees and Jurgen Rabbit do not have to miss all the way. The result can be seen in the picture above. Do you want to see more mammals or birds? Take a look at the Nijmeegse Museumwinkel.

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