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Dried butterflies

Dried butterflies

163 Product(s)
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Neptis SP. onprepared

Neptis SP. onprepared
€5,95 Incl. tax
Catopsilia Pomon unprepared

Catopsilia Pomon unprepared
€5,95 Incl. tax
Belenois Gidica unprepared

Belenois Gidica unprepared
€5,95 Incl. tax
Gonepteryx rhamni dried/papered

Gonepteryx rhamni dried/papered
€8,50 Incl. tax
Delias hyparete dried/papered

Delias hyparete dried/papered
€8,50 Incl. tax
Eurema Senegalensis onprepared

Eurema Senegalensis onprepared
€5,95 Incl. tax
Hypolimnas Antilope onprepared

Hypolimnas Antilope onprepared
€5,95 Incl. tax
Graphium Doson "nauta" onprepared

Graphium Doson "nauta" onprepared
€5,95 Incl. tax
Terinos SP. onprepared

Terinos SP. onprepared
€5,95 Incl. tax
Charaxes Lucretius  unprepared

Charaxes Lucretius unprepared
€5,95 Incl. tax
Melanargia galathea - marbled white - dried/papered

Melanargia galathea - marbled white - dried/papered
€8,95 Incl. tax
Maniola jurtina dried/papered

Maniola jurtina dried/papered
€6,50 Incl. tax
Colias crocea dried/papered

Colias crocea dried/papered
€12,95 Incl. tax
Anteos menippe dried/papered

Anteos menippe dried/papered
€8,49 Incl. tax
Charaxes Varanus unprepared

Charaxes Varanus unprepared
€5,95 Incl. tax
Cepora Celebensis unprepared

Cepora Celebensis unprepared
€5,95 Incl. tax
Heliconius Melpomene SP. onprepared

Heliconius Melpomene SP. onprepared
€5,95 Incl. tax
Phalanta Alcippe onprepared

Phalanta Alcippe onprepared
€5,95 Incl. tax
Coenonympna Pamphilus unprepared

Coenonympna Pamphilus unprepared
€5,95 Incl. tax

Buy your dried / papered butterflies in our webshop to do your own butterfly taxidermy! All our dried butterflies come from butterfly farms in South America, Asia and Africa. We always try to offer the best quality of butterflies. The butterflies are always send in protecting material. You can also choose an insect box or frame with it. See our taxidermy supplies.