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Where can I buy taxidermy animals

Where can I buy taxidermy animals? 

Mounted animals can be purchased from a taxidermist. They mount animals for their profession or hobby. They give these animals a second life.

Some taxidermists have their own business where they sell the stuffed animals. Or they sell their taxidermy animals to decoration stores where you can buy the animals.

Mounted animals are sometimes also available from legacies. In the 18th century, taxidermy was very popular, especially in England. Sometimes these antique stuffed animals can also be found in shops.

Look carefully where you buy your mounted animals. Nowadays many people are interested in practicing the craft, but it takes years of practice before a good quality can be achieved. Unfortunately, many bad animals can be found on the market. And you do not want that your animal falls apart.  They must last decades. The anatomy must also be correct. Not all taxidermists have a good eye for this.

Always ask for the background of a taxidermist. How long does he practise taxidermy. Has the taxidermist won prizes from which you can read the quality? Can the taxidermist show examples? There are taxidermy championships. Does he have papers? Is it possible to visit his workshop?